Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Second life goes puff for the night :(

Well it looks like second life has died for tonight, and I wanted to do some work too. Well hopefully they will get it working by the morning.

Sunday, 16 December 2007

Playing about with pictures.

Well i've been looking for something to play with my pictures with and a friend told me about this free program called gimp. I've been playing about with it for a few days and created some cool effects with the oilify and clothify functions to make a picture that looks painted. So here my picture by van Kate.
I've also made a version with a black/white background. This was done by creating a layer which is set to colour. So the darkness of each pixel determines if it is colour or black/white.

Saturday, 15 December 2007

Shopping and a update

Well its been a long time since I posted about the journeys about Kate the vampire. The malkavian vampires my family have left the NoR sims and moved to a few other sims. Vamps Nest, NoS and with a few people living in Vampires Asylum

I've just come back from shopping for some cool new hair at calico and while i was there i explored the basement of the cool goth, steampunk, vitorian etc sim next door.

I also come accross a picture from happier times at NoR.

Sunday, 25 November 2007

KCS 0.3.1 First public release!!

I finally finished KCS this is the first version i'm releasing to the public and has a few rough edges. But its usable and i can concentrate on finishing the rest of my sim and adding features. I will also work on the skills database.

Thursday, 11 October 2007

I'm a sire now :)))

They made me a sire YAY! :))

Well I needed something to to get my teath stuck into.

KCS Kates Combat System :)

Well i've been playing about with weapons a little and decided that none of the combat systems around really suit me.

CCS seams to be too difficult to get a sim enabled for and CCS lite dosen't let me use skills I earned in NoR. DCS costs money and i don't want to force my friends to buy another combat system. GCS sounds idea but it don't work with guns :(. So i'm having ago at developing my own KCS. KCS will allow you to set up the system on your own parcels.

How It Works

Currently you place a region server on a parcel in each sim which is owned by the group you wish to enable for KCS. The KCS meter will then activate itself whenever the group of the land matches the one sent out by one of the servers on a sim.

So basically its just like enabling damage on your land. You just place a server on it and adjust the setting and thats it. No requests to be added to a database and you get some of the power of a system like ccs.

Monday, 1 October 2007

(IC) Katie comes to terms with her undead life

What to say about my undead life as a malkavian vampire. Well I'm beginning to accept what happened to me and even maybe enjoy it. I hold no malice to my sire for ending my mortal life and am grateful for what happened in some ways.

The city of remembrance is a harsh place and as my powers grow i am learning that it is much better to be an immortal. The hunter then the hunted. I am now aware to of the horrors that inhabit the city. The vampire, demon, lycans and supernatural creatures that walk its streets. As my powers grow though I begin to realise that I don't need to fear them and I can defend myself I am getting stronger everyday.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Sunday, 2 September 2007


I've being playing around with my pictures on picassa with my avies picture. Heres my new edited picture. Watcha think?

New me pictures.

Well I'm sure your wondering what I look like now. Well I spent so much money today shopping :). I bought a new skin and far to many new clothes. I think thats a vampires real weakness.

Thursday, 30 August 2007

My past

I was born in a happy sleepy village in England. As i grew up however i was soon bored of the quiet peaceful surrounding of my home village. The urge to travel took me this is where I first met Aeai long before the troubles we would both have. We quickly made friends while I was on holiday and spent numerous times together going shopping and enjoying each others company. We had the same tastes and we bought the most beautiful dresses together but I felt it was time to move on again. The time between when I was I left Aeai to once more resume my travelling was hazy to me however The last thing I remember was giving birth to a hideous demon this event had traumatised me so much that I was turned completely insane. I would spend my time alone wandering the streets. It is here that I again met Aeai although at that time i did not even remember her. Aeai however remembered me and we once again enjoyed our times together although I could not understand why she still browsed around the abandoned shops. There was something strange however about her and gradually I realised that she was a vampire. I was scared but also unable to stay away from her. Then one night she bit into me and I felt my life flowing away as the blood flowed out of my body. I was so confused why had she done this to me. As I lay there near to death she cut her hand and offered me her blood to drink. I am now live my undead life trying to understand my past and my present and to make sense of what I am and the frightening visions of my past which haunt me.

My mortal life ended

This week my life as a mortal ended as i felt her thangs dig into my bare neck. My blood and my lifeforce soaked away into her hungry mouth.

Just as I was near death though she cut her hand and told me to drink. From that point on I am now vampyre an undead being.

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

First Look

OMG Its amazing I tried first look today its so amzing the sky and the reflections of the water. I'm not so keen on it at night as it just dosen't look right atm. but Its breathtaking. Its such a shame though that it crashed as soon as i tried to terraform.

Thursday, 24 May 2007

Second Louve

Theres art in SL you know. I stumbled accross the Secound Louve meseum in SL today. It looks good.

Second Louve

Trailer Park

Well this is the most unique rental place I have found :). I was exploring SL today and I found a trailer park lol.

Well its more like a british caravan park but I wouldn't want to live there I like my nice house in the gardens thankyou.

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Sculpted Prims

Well it has been a long time since I posted in here. I had some time on my hands the grid has been down so I've been hanging out on the beta grid for a little while. I found a program ROKURO which is like a lave for making scultped prims. I tried blender to but thats sooo complex. It soon defeated me :((. I think we need some nice simple tools for making sculpted prims. 3d modelling is so difficult to do in traditional programs such a blender. Thats what I like about SL its easy to model with and you can learn as you go.

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Mount Innocence

Well I decided what to do with katies haven. Build a mountain range with snow capped mountains. I'm really pleased with it so far the views are stunning and I love the snow capped mountains. I think I will have a low prim sim next to one of my sims I'm selling with a mountain range on it. It should look stunning living in the foothills of the mountains.

Lindens killed my cat :(

Well I got home after the update and my cat was dead. God knows what they have been doing. Poor thing was laying on his side outside. I took him in and he still didn't move.

Sunday, 22 April 2007


Well I allways come back here. I was born here in December 2006. I met some of my best friends here Lexi and my partner Chrome. It can be a little wild at time but I think thats its charm. I'm definatly lucky as its probably the best infohub in SL.

Saturday, 21 April 2007


Note to myself. Stop it girl :)

Well I couldn't resist it. I made another island. Paradise Hills. Its the first one which is truelly my own work made from the ocean. It has a beautiful little valley and a little garden in the centre. Not like innocence isle. But nice none the less. Here a link Paradise Hils if you feel like visiting.

I started selling on thursday and i've allready sold a few :). I don't see many islands like mine on SL. Most are just flat and featureless :(.


God where to begin I haven't update my blog in ages. Well I fell in love :)) feel like the luckiest girl in sl. LOL and so does my partner Chrome :).

Saturday, 24 March 2007

Sold out :)

Well I soldmy last parcel horay :)). I decided that theres just to much land out there for sale at the mo so I'm going to sit back and wait to see what happens with the market. A friend of mine knows someone too who wants to make a sim for women only so that will be cool to help her out. I'm spending some time in a low prim sim I kept called katies haven. Here I can practice terraforming and try out ground textures to see how they look. Its less lonely then designing outside of SL.

Saturday, 17 March 2007


I went exploring lately and found some great areas to ride my horses in sl. Over at azure islands they have loads of sims sitting empty withnothing on them to explore.

Sunday, 11 March 2007

Chrome!!! :))

So happy Chromes back if only for a little while shes back. :)))

Theres no point trying to describe how i feel i can't put it into words. I cried when i saw her :))).

Saturday, 10 March 2007

New Islands :)

Well out of the blue my openspaces sims arrives :). I know have 8 more parcels to sell. I'm back modelling them and creating beautiful places for people to live. They have a much more tranquil atmosphere then Innocence Isle as they only have 2 per sim then ocean.
Nadine came over today and she said she felt right at home as soon as she arrived.

3 Months Old

Well I turned 3 on Wednesday. So I decided to celebrate today. My 1st SL party. Now I have a sim I decided to build a dancefloor on the lake and adjust the sun so it was sunset for the party. It was great. I tried out my dances and and loads of people there. Then I switched the sun back and watched the sunrise :).

Friday, 2 March 2007


Well it looks like the sim is selling quickly :). Yeh!! And now without me being the saleswomen either. I logged in today and another one of the parcels was sold. Wow only one left now. I have a couple reserved though so its still a little empty.

Sunday, 25 February 2007

My Sim

Well the blog has been a bit neglected of late. I have been spending far too much time at innocence isle building my sim selling my sim and hanging out lol. I've sold a big chunk of it now so thats really good. Its starting to get a sense of community yeh :).

Its such hard work thouh and tiering I think I'll be having a SL holiday soon. Maybe hawaii.

Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Day of the dead

Zombies are invading second life!

Well it looks like the grid was a total disaster yesterday. It took ages to login and I found out that people were not capable of logging off properly turning into zombies. Slow told me that bear was full of them so I went over to have a look. My god it was terrible Lexi was stuck there too poor Lexi. I wished we could put a cube over her or put her somewhere away from the crowds looking at her lifeless body.

I had to put a cube over poor Chrome too she was stuck on my land just hanging there. I'm glad I logged out in the safety of my own room.

Maybe I'm a bit sensitive about my avy. I think my avy though is a part of me and I would hate people to be staring at her unable to move. Undead.

Friday, 9 February 2007

My poor Garden :(

Well this is my first day of working on my business.

I now have the basic structure of an office to meet my tenants of my island. I wanted to have a physical presence where I can talk to them away from home and also a place to put a terminal so they can pay their tier in Lindens. Sometimes when I think about all then things I need to do its overwelming. So much and so little time :(.

I can't wait though to get my island. Its so exciting. hehe

I have also spent some time creating some paths. I want to have a lot of paths going accross the island so people can wander around and feel at home without worrying about tresspassing on other peoples land. It also helps break up the land and make it not feel like a ghetto. Like the mainland does. (As you can see I don't like the mainland)

Unfortunatly my garden is now looking like a rubbish dump :( Oh no. What will Jasper and Ginger think (the horses).

I told my neighbour brooke too that I'm leaving. I think she will miss me as I'm one of the only neighbours she knows.

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Kate the innocent

Another wonderful thing has happend to me in my life. My friend Lexi has asked me to join her SL family :) I'm so touched by Lexi. For some reason she allways makes me cry :)

I've also done the only thing I could do for such a wonderful person. I've named my sim for her. My main sim is now called "Isle Of Innocense" after Lexi.

Lexi and Slow are such wonderful people. They have been there for me when I was down, upset and hurt.

Queen Kate!

I'm a land baroness!

Well I've just proved to second life that i'm one impulsive girl!

Today I ordered 5 sims!!! One full sime and 4 low prim sims. I'm going to develop the land and sell it on. I'm a land baroness now! Wow

I'm so excited about it I'll have so much land. I hope i can sell it all to cover my tier fees. Its a bit worrying too. Oh my god!

Shot At!

I had to re-log tonight as the sim I was in crashed.

So I logged in at my house and I was shot at! I couldn't believe it I saw yellow flashes and heard gun fire.
It made me feel frightend in my own home :( . I think I will need to update my security system. Add an option to instantly eject people on a ban list from my land if they come to close.
I'm still a bit in shock over the whole thing. Luckilly Lexi and Chrome came over to check I was ok. They have guns and shields so they could protect me.

The rest of today in SL was good though. I went to dark city exploring with Lexi and Chrome.

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Somewhere to relex

Sometimes its nice to just relax.

I ended up over with my friend Aeai tonight to just relax on her island. Sometimes its just nice to sit down and soak up the atmosphere and relax (Yes I know its not real but it feels real). She has 1/4 of a low use sim with a big ocean. So the scenery is fantastic. Nice and quiet with no neighbours next door.

Monday, 5 February 2007

SL is so frustrating sometimes.

Well its one of those days. SL is playing up your boots are stuck to your bum and you can't even meet up with your friends :(.

I ended up going home feeling bored and logged off. When this world isn't fun it really can be frustrating.

Sunday, 4 February 2007

Halo Club

Well this sunday has really been a lazy day!

A few of my friends recently opened a club on an island named imagination. So I have been spending some time chilling out here and relaxing.

First Day

Well this is the first day of my blog!!

Sunday's allways a lazy day for me. My avy has been spending most of her time with her head slumped down in the away pose :). I did finally manage to finish my elevator though YAY.

Well since I'm writing a blog I guess I have no excuse for not writing my Second Life profile! So I have been doing that as well.

Unfortunatly I had to create a new blog from scratch as I couldn't log into the old one :( .
This was the only post though so its not to much to re-create.